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Insulin Growth Factor 1 (IGF-1)


About The Test

Insulin-like Growth Factor 1, or IGF-1, is a special protein in our bodies that helps us grow. It works closely with another hormone called Growth Hormone (GH), which comes from a part of the brain called the pituitary gland. The food we eat also affects how much IGF-1 we have. IGF-1 travels in our blood with the help of other proteins, which keeps its levels stable and prevents big changes throughout the day.

Doctors test for IGF-1 to learn about different problems with how people grow. For example, if a child isn’t growing properly and has very low levels of IGF-1, they might have a condition called dwarfism due to not having enough growth hormone, which is also known as Hypopituitarism. On the other hand, if someone has too much IGF-1, they might have a condition called acromegaly, which means their body produces too much growth hormone.

Checking the amount of IGF-1 can also tell doctors if someone isn’t getting enough nutrients from their food. If a person is not eating well, their IGF-1 levels will be low. But if they start eating better, their IGF-1 levels can go back to normal.

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