About The Test
Ceruloplasmin is a protein in the blood that can have different levels depending on a person’s health. When the levels of this protein go down, it might indicate several health issues:
- Wilson’s Disease: A rare condition where copper builds up in the body.
- Fulminant Liver Failure: A severe and sudden failure of the liver.
- Intestinal Malabsorption: When the intestines can’t absorb nutrients properly.
- Renal Failure with Proteinuria: Kidney failure that also involves the loss of protein in urine.
- Chronic Active Hepatitis: A long-term inflammation of the liver.
- Malnutrition: Not getting enough nutrients from food.
- Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: A disease where the bile ducts in the liver are slowly destroyed.
- Pregnancy (First Trimester): Early stages of pregnancy can increase ceruloplasmin levels.
- Oral Contraceptive Use: Taking birth control pills can raise these levels.
- Acute Inflammatory Conditions: Since ceruloplasmin is an acute phase reactant, its levels can go up when there is inflammation in the body.